Is 2000+ a week a good wage here in Toronto?

@simon74 Cerb was the government giving Canadians the higher end of a reasonable single person’s rent or mortgage, knowing that shelter is the first line item in people’s monthly budgets and that the money would end up in the hands of landowners and mortgage lenders to prevent economic fallout

The government cared about mortgages being paid up the chain that’s all. Look at ontario works and disability benefits for an indication of what the Canadian government considers taking care of it own
@simon74 I mean, 104 in Toronto could get eaten up pretty quickly. If you have high rent, car, insurance, loans, it adds up fast and you’re in the 100K tax bracket. I’m not saying it’s bad at all but if you’re single and you have a bit of a social life, you’re not gonna be rolling in it really.
@jmcd Rational people would build their physical means around their income. If you're taking a pay cut with a new job then sure fair point. If OP has a duel income household they most likely have nothing to worry about.
@resjudicata So many people don’t understand this. I’ve tried to explain it to people in their 40s and some just don’t get it. I’ve met several people scared to make more money in case it bumps them in to the next tax bracket and they end up with less in the bank account.
@marioochi Ah okay the people I know are probably stacking with baby bonus or doing some type of illegal shinans. Very common.

Love the benefits but if they weren't there, we would have a lot more "capable" people around. Thats for sure. There are people on OW and ODSP right now because if you stack it with baby bonus it comes out to what a minimum job pays monthly. The increments are just different.

There is literally no incentive for uneducated, low-income folks to do any better other than to do better lol. But if that incentive was good enough there wouldn't be any problems in the world at all would there?

Weird ass diecussion.
@resjudicata I agree. I'm on odsp. Got very sick with bipolar and addiction 8 years ago. Lost my house, ended up homeless, lost family etc. I didn't apply for odsp. My dr did without my knowledge. Took a month to be approved (had just had a two month psych ward stay too). I got my shit together. Became a peer support worker for mental health and addictions. And am now in university for social work to work with mentally ill addicts. I say all this because I agree. The majority could work something. Instead they sit around crying how shitty life is refusing to do anything. The ones who have kids? Of which many have 2 to 6? You're too disabled to hold a job, but you can work 24/7 being a parent with half a litter under the age of 12? Fuck right off. Not a popular opinion tho.
@marioochi Sucks for the government too because I'm sure its difficult to tell who really needs it. Doesnt matter anyway, I'm still going to get money from them to go to school. Which is amazing but also another crazy thing about this country. People complain about what Trudeau has done, yet my ex just got 50,000$ to go to school for less than 2 years. That's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. She has all the kids thats why but thats a lot of money to get dropped in your bank account. Also has housing so she pays nothing for rent. Literally living almost middle class for free. Just got all new furniture and beds and stuff. Didnt have to work a day for it. But I'm a loser cause I dont have an income and "the pakis" are taking over. WOW.

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