IRR for Delayed Entry Program (DEP) Count towards Time in Service for Pay (TIS)


New member
  1. Should I receive Time in Service (TIS) credit (different from constructive credit) for longevity purposes on my LES from my time in IRR after accepting an Educational Delay? I've heard mixed answers from leadership.
  2. Does this depend on if I was an SMP during ROTC? (See clarification needed below)*
  3. Is an Educational Delay included under the Delayed Entry Program (DEP)? I have not found any specific verbage in doctrine linking the two, but I have attached the definition of DEP below.
*Needing clarification on verbage in DoD 7000.14-R volume 7a: Chapter -

" For enlistments entered into on or after November 29, 1989: A period of enlisted service in a Reserve Component

under 10 U.S.C. § 12103(b) or (d), including inactive service under a DEP, is creditable service

only if the member performs Inactive Duty Training (IDT) before beginning active duty or an

initial period of ADT..."

Delayed Entry Program as defined by AR 621- 202

"A program under which an individual may enlist in an RC and specify a future reporting date for entry on active duty that would coincide with availability of training spaces and with personal plans; allows individuals to delay entry onto active duty in the Army for a period of up to 365 days."

Here's a link to another reddit thread that said IRR time should count towards Time in Service (TIS) for longevity pay purposes, but this person did not go through an educational delay program.

An FYI, here's my story. I have friends who also accepted an Ed delay as well but were not SMPs. They are also wondering if they should receive TIS credit.

Enlisted > completed BCT/AIT for the National Guard > joined ROTC (contracted / was an SMP) > then accepted an Educational Delay to complete school > commissioned upon graduation from ROTC > completed 3 years of IRR where I was not drilling > recently accessed onto Active Duty to complete my ROTC/Ed delay ADSO.

Thanks for any help provided! I would hate to find out 10 years down the line that I've been overpaid by 3 years TIS and have to pay it all back!
@jayron IRR counts towards your DIEMS date, I don't think it counts towards your initial pay date (as it's a non-payment status).

That said, there's probably a lot of intricacies when you add in guard, ROTC, I may be wrong for your specific situation.

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