InvestNow Kiwisaver Rebalance Funds


New member
Currently, I am switching to InvestNow for Kiwisaver, as they are the cheapest in fees for long runs (over 20 - 30 years). However, I am just thinking about the costs involved for rebalancing my portfolio when closing to my retirement age.

So let's assume, when I am 55 years, my total Kiwisaver balance is 1M over 2 funds (S&P500 and Total Worlds) with 500k each. If I want to switch 10% of the total balance (e.g. withdrawing 5% from each fund and put) to a conservative fund (and making the weight over the 3 funds as 45%/45%/10% between SP500/Total World/conservative fund), I am not sure how the cost would involved here. I can think there are 2 kind of methods

1 - taking 50k from each of existing funds, and due to 0.5% of selling fees, the cost would be rough of 50k * 0.5% * 2 = 500 (and assuming there is no buy fees for the conservative fund). Note - the weight across 3 funds may not be exact as 45%/45%/10%

2 - converting all funds into cash (temporally) and re-purchase the funds with the exact weight. This would be the worst, as this would cost roughly 1000k * 0.5% (for selling fee) + ~ 900k * 0.5 (for purchasing 45% and 45% of SP500 and Total World) = ~9500 in fees.

I cant find anything about this from MoneyHub, and from InvestNow FAQ

“Apply change to your current investment mix and future contributions”, which will rebalance your entire portfolio (selling and buying as necessary) to the new weightings

, it seems to use the first method, but not very clear.

I hope the 2nd method is never been used, as a couple of portfolio rebalancing will eat all the saving from low fees over decades. I thinks this is not a problem for their non-kiwisaver funds, as a user can always manually sell certain unit of funds into cash accounts, and then buy the target funds.

The current investment form of InvestNow Kiwisaver for me is `set and forget`, and if I need more controls (e.g. gradually switching to less aggressive funds) when closing to retirement and the cost for the rebalancing is too high, I may just switch to another low fee provider at that time (but InvestNow is still the cheapest in fee until then).

As such, a suggestion to InvestNow Kiwisaver on their ‘Change your portfolio’ page UI - it would be great if they can give a user a rough estimations of cost when rebalance between funds. This is due to the buying and selling fees / spreads from InvestNow, and probably not a problem for most other Kiwisaver providers as their single management fee should cover this already.
@snamjan28 (Their response is very fast)

In short, they are using the first method. They only sell enough units from the existing investments to rebalance the portfolio as the new selected weights. Unless you change to a different set of funds (like SP500/Total World to fund A/B/C), and in that case it would be a total sale.

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