Investment Q (50K in unregistered account)


New member
Hi folks;

As part of my employment benefits I get 30% top up on shares I buy from my company. I currently have $50K in stock which gives me about 2K/yr in dividends. The share price hasn't really moved since Covid brought the price down by about 15%, so I'm wondering if I should sell it all and move 15K in my TSFA (maxing my contributions, buying all VEQT) and put the rest in a unregistered account also buying only VEQT. I'm sure I'll have some hefty taxes to pay if I do that, but I'm wondering if it's better to let my money grow via dividends in my current stock account (computershare employee stock account) or invest more in diversified stocks via VEQT in a Questrade account. Any suggestions? I'm retiring in 10 years if that helps with your feedback.
@malaps If you have the room to move the funds to a TFSA it's almost always better to do so.

Obviously we don't know your tax situation or anything. Maybe get a sense of your capital gains rate and try to estimate what your taxes are going to be first.

Further, diversifying your investments into something else is probably a really good idea.

Ultimately, you'll continue paying tax on your dividends forever and your capital gains are likely only going to get bigger if you don't move to aTFSA. It's not optimal.

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