Investment options for PR holders leaving Japan for a few years


New member
I am a PR holder planning to leave Japan for 5+ years. I prefer to keep my existing wealth in Japan because:
  • The plan is to come back to retire here
  • My home country's government has a history of making sweeping changes in finance laws. e.g. recently they instituted a tax of 20% on outgoing transfers.
From my research, I can't keep my investments in ETF (e.g. S & P on Rakuten Securities).
  1. Are there ways to keep investing in ETFs / Index funds even when I am not living in Japan?
  2. What alternate investments could I consider? A friend suggested real estate which I am looking into but personally, I feel that the risk is too concentrated.
  3. Could someone recommend a financial advisor I can consult with around leaving Japan?
@francisco3 For SBI, when my 在留期限 was over(full time student visa) they seized the function to trade(buy and sell). But the account it self was no problem. It wasn't seized. I could put my money in and out. I was in Japan for the whole time, it was just that I didn't send them the photocopies of renewed zairyu card.

With your PR, they aren't gonna ask you to send photocopies of your 在留カード when your 在留期限 is expired, because you no longer have 在留期限. This is what I assume.

So technically, even if you leave and do all the necessary procedures including 転出届, I don't think they would know that you left the country. Japan is not that centralised in handling information even within government institutions, let alone Rakuten is a private company. If they don't have access to government information who left and who didn't leave the country, but they checked my residency through sending photocopies of 在留カード via ゆうびん, OBVIOUSLY they wouldn't fucking know. This would probably be the loop-hole you can use.

If you plan on selling and buying securities, just turn on VPN and do it while outside Japan.

They won't take your money away, that's not possible.

If you from a 3rd World country, where laws are strict in investing and less tax benefits and uncertainties, yeah just leave it, if not, just sell them and rebuy from your country's securities company.

Btw, I just saved up 1M JPY and willing to invest, what exact S&P are you buying? 投資信託 or Actually dollar based VOO?
@francisco3 You’re planning to keep your PR though right? Have you considered getting an affordable home for your retirement and using that as your primary address? Just come visit at least once a year or get the 5 year reentry permit and you can probably keep paying your pension and insurance and let your portfolio grow steadily. Btw are you aware of the tax residency laws? If you’ve been here 5/past10 years you owe Japan tax on global income unless there’s a good DTA between Jp and the country you plan to work in

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