Investing options for a small corp


New member
Hi, I have a small corp where I have $20 k that I can invest for a small period of time (till oct-nov) at which point I’d have to spend the earmarked funds on buying business related equipment.

So in the short term, what can the business invest in instead of that money just sitting in the bank account? Bullion, GIC etc?

This is a new corp and I’m excited to see what I can expand to in the future. Thanks in advance for your help!
@pigduck I'd look at EQ Bank and Tangerine, and see what kind of rates they offer for their savings account. Don't lock yourself into a GIC. Keep it simple so that you can focus on your business. The difference of 2% on $20k over 6 months is about $100, so not really worth fussing about.

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