Investing Advice: Are Stocks better than ETFs in Ireland?

@jesusdiva26 Even with the higher tax rate and having to sell every 7 years losing 41% of profits?

I understand that it's hard to beat the market and ideally I would like to invest (and have) in the S&P and VWCE already, I just don't know if investing 100 every week and having to file taxes is worth the headache.
@saachristian757 Save the €100 every month and then invest €1200 every January if the admin is too cumbersome doing it monthly.

The tax system around ETFs isnt going anytime soon and in ireland we need to make the best of a bad situation.
@saachristian757 Just so I understand correctly, you're going to be looking at holding 500+ individual companies by year end then right? In that scenario, I would argue that ETFs are 100% the way to go. Trying to rebalance your 500+ company portfolio as an individual investor is a monstrous task, let alone having to deal with dividend taxes, trading fees accumulated for each individual purchase, etc. Sure, you'll have to pay 41% tax, deemed disposal and so on - but your time has a price.

As a hypothetical alternative, why not aim for 15-20 of your highest conviction individual stocks (diversified), and then add some ETF holdings as a hedge.

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