Invest In BRS or my own IRA

@abigheart Your account manager is getting paid every time he trades more than likely (and at your expense), and he's also more than likely underperforming the general market. You're in a really bad situation with these guys. Out it in a Vanguard target date fund and they'll manage the stocks within the individual funds. They'll use better strategies and for damn near free.

American funds are notorious shills, get out get out get out.
@abigheart You're getting screwed. American funds are cancerous. They prey on investors who are unwise to how shady they are. Get out and cut ties immediately with everything American Funds.

Get your dad out too. These are notoriously shit funds.
@resjudicata I was trying to but I leave for the military soon and it’s saying I have to send in papers and they can’t etransfer it for some reason so I was just going to wait a few months and invest in vanguard when I have more money?

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