Interactive Investor cannot show you the value of your portfolio over time!!!

@kandikisses Reminds me of when Moneybox had a graph of your earnings. Iirc the graphs were used in their marketing. It was a really nice feature to track your accounts and I was sad when it was removed. Must have been taken off some 5+ years ago now but I don’t recall.
@kandikisses ii revamped its website 1 year ago.

Users widely and loudly trashed the awful revamp as it got rid of everything good and added lots of bad things.

ii tried to defend it, but promised to “keep improving based on customer feedback”. It’s still crap.

The website can’t even be viewed properly on a mobile! Their answer is to sign up for their app, rather than them making a mobile responsive website!
@simslions Most can. AJ bell can but every time you sell, they convert it back to £ and you lose 3% on the exchange rate.

Whereas ii you can buy and sell in $ and keep your money in $. So I do my Nasdaq / S&P purchases with ii. I exchanged 20% of my SIPP money into dollars, so paid the exchange fee once. Then I buy and sell in dollars, so no more exchange fees until whenever I decide to repatriate my dollars into pounds, probably at retirement age.
@kandikisses I guess they are cheap for a reason and I don't expect much functionality from them. I have my own spreadsheet.

I have my SIPP with II, and that's because they are one of the cheapest well established providers. Fee is what matters the most to me.
@kandikisses Have you managed to get anywhere with this? Seems like a serious defect to be missing the ability to visualise the evolution of the investments value over time and per asset on ii.

But they offer the fixed fee cost savings and the simplicity of having SIPP and ISA in one place.

Someone mentioned vanguard having a good UI, their costs seem capped to 375/year so a bit more expensive but might be worth the extra cost if they help you make better decisions with improved usability. Though not sure what this includes, also I think they might have a slightly limited selection of funds, but all the important ones will be there.

iWeb and Halifax Share Dealing seem cheap too but not sure how good they are regarding everything else, need to do some more research...
Have you managed to get anywhere with this?

No. Interactive Investor and AjBell are the same on this. HL didn't reply but it's more expensive anyway.

Interactive Brokers has a better interface, does show you some metrics about the evolution of the portfolio, has great FX conversion fees but, for the kind of limited trading I'd do, the trading commissions would still be much higher than AjBell or II, plus it has other limitations (no bonds in the ISA, a SIPP requires an expensive third-party administrator).

To be honest I think I'll settle for manually tracking the value of my investments once a month in a spreadsheet.

I mean, I am totally onboard with the passive investment philosophy, but there is a middle ground between checking your portfolio ten times a day and being unable to tell how much it was worth a year ago.

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