Interactive Brokers gets rid of monthly fees & minimal account values

@inkarpathos This is only if you are a company that wants to use Interactive Brokers to offer brokerage services to a third party.

You need to look on the top under "Individual, Joint, Trust and Org Accounts".

It's stupid and misleading, but what you find under "Broker" does not apply to individual accounts, but is really for businesses / financial service companies...
@cynicious You can deposit EUR for free using a SEPA transfer. As long as your bank allows free SEPA transfers (all banks from Germany, most banks in the euro zone that I know).
@cynicious You can deposit EUR for free. You can then trade with EUR or exchange to USD for a fee of 2 USD (without exchange rate markup).

You should read if this a broker suitable for you. I didn't mean to advertise it in general, but mostly thought it will be useful to know for people who already knew it, but hesitated because of the monthly fee...
@spinuscyn If you just want to buy VT, aren’t there enough UCITS equivalents? I never had an issue finding simple plain vanilla all world ETF in EU; the only reason I’m considering opening a separate account for US ETF is for leveraged ETF like TQQQ or UPRO.
@jacob_ Is there more information about their commission fees? For some of my trades I received smaller commission.(it used GETTEX2 exchange wtf is that?) and on IBIS2 is always 4euros minimum. I always buy the same etf btw 😀
@resjudicata If you use SMART routing it will select the best fill for you. IBIS is XETRA and GETTEX is gettex. Fixed pricing minimum fee of 4€ / 1.25€ respectively.

The commissions for fixed/tiered are very well documented...
@biblicalbro thanks, I'm an idiot :D . Didn't understood that Gettex is another exchange in Germany. Do you know if SMART routing takes commission into account when buying stocks? E.g stock might be cheaper in Xetra but because of 4e commission, it might still be cheaper to buy from Gettex?

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