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Considering to get Sun Safer Life for starters and also kasi tight yung budget pero may nababasa ako about Sun Life Assure for health insurance and its benefits. Same ba sila na until Age 70 lang ang coverage?

Getting confused which one to get. Sun Safer can't be converted to Sun Life Assure as it's not under what my FA provided. We can only convert Safer to Elite or VUL. Not planning to invest naman just wanted to secure my kids just incase something happens.

Is it best to get HMO along? Is it cheaper or mas better na mag Life Assure na kami diretso?

Thanks in advance.
@wendy1 Hi OP! Licensed Sun Life Advisor here.

Both SUN Safer Life and Sun LifeAssure are term insurance products of Sun Life. You cannot convert SUN Safer Life to another term insurance.

SUN Safer Life has coverage until the age of 75 while the other is until age 70 only. You may convert your Sun Safer Life to a VUL or trad product until age 65.

Sun LifeAssure and HMO are totally two different things. If you want something for check-up/lab test then you should get a hmo.

Sun LifeAssure can only provide you or your beneficiaries upon diagnosis of critical illness or upon death of insured.

Know your priority. I hope this helps.
@wendy1 Magkaiba purpose ng life insurance (term or vul) sa HMO.

HMO is for hospitalizations like confinement and medical procedures.

Life insurance in it's purest form is money for your beneficiary.

Now, if may rider like critical illness, that's only coverage for major illnesses and not for doctor's consultations.

So, define your goal first.

Ano ba gusto mo na ma cover ka? Once you know your goal, then that's the time you look for a product and not the other way around.

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