Insurance Claim Inspector - can I hire one to negotiate with insurance?


New member
Insurance is low balling significantly. I (home owner) tried doing research and tried negotiating for few things but insurance adjuster use terms and software which I don't know/ have. Can I hire a professional claim inspector to negotiate with insurance on restoration project. Thank You in advance!
@mrss Yes you can, but that cost comes out of your pocket. It could help, but make sure you don’t hire one that also requires to be the contractor doing the work.
@mrss Coming from a Public Adjuster, I agree with both statements.

There are contractors who act like public adjusters or state that they are representing you. Be careful with this. This is unlawful in many states and their contracts can be tricky and include an assignment of benefits clause which basically signs over all proceeds.

Due diligence is good with anyone you hire. Many Public Adjusters are successful at maximizing the claim legitimately, without going through a lengthy process, and many will make sure there is enough left after their fees are paid to ensure the repairs can be done correctly.

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