Insurance claim for windshield?


New member
Got a crack from stone on the highway and after few days I saw a crack. I took it to autoglass shop they said need a new windshield.

My question is if I go through insurance what are the chances my insurance will go up. Any suggestion or experience would like to share? Or just pay out of my pocket?
@grandma26 Without knowing what is written in your policy... yes your premiums may go up. Windshield repairs, no, windshield replaced, yes. Depending on your deductible and how much it costs to replace it, might be worth it to pay out of pocket.
@grandma26 Glass claims fall under Comprehensive coverage and generally do not affect your policy premium directly. But if you make too many in a period of time, your coverage can be limited, removed altogether, or your policy cancelled as a whole.

That said, the money to pay your glass claim comes from somewhere. If you and a bunch of other people put through a bunch of glass claims, combined with with all of the other claims an insurer expects to pay in a year and it depletes the common fund further than they had forecasted, then everyone would see a general increase due, in part, to those glass claims. But as a direct result, a glass claim is generally not a blemish on your record.

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