Insurance career


New member
Hi all, I am in the midst of a career change at 39. Was a LPN and thinking about going into a career in insurance. I see there are a lot of work from home positions. I am currently in BC but plan to move to NB this year. Is there a course that is recommended to start out? Thanks!!
@wings9191 Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) you can take one course to show your commitment but many employer will pay for course in that program once you are hired
@michael6 This. All in you're probably looking at about $10K for the CIP designation. I'm half way through it and my work has paid for everything. Just get hired on, get an insurer to train you and get you through your provincial licensing then get any other licenses they require in other provinces and go from there. Don't spend a cent of your own money to get into this industry; you don't need to!
@wings9191 Hey, yes, the insurance industry is huge. The career will be great in this industry. If you're still looking to get into the industry, I can help you out. Please let me know, good luck.

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