Insurance 101


New member
Last year I had (what I thought was) a great idea to create some digital resources for people who wanted basic answers to some normal health coverage questions. This was born from having worked for a health insurance company and seeing some gaps that could be filled with publicly available resources. Sometimes things just need to be put together in the right way.
Idk if what I put together is “the right way” or not and that’s not why I’m posting.

After designing and publishing these PDFs and the website and the ads, I ran the ads for 3 months, got tens of thousands of views and several thousands of clicks to my website but absolutely zero purchases.

Not one single person bought and I’m not sure why. Life took a turn and I couldn’t keep trying with that, so I just dropped it all and turned in another direction.

But these PDFs are just hanging out waiting. So I thought I’d put them up here incase anyone in this group finds them useful in any way. Here are the links where they’re saved to my drive. If there’s a better way to share them, I’m all ears!

US Health Insurance 101
15 pages packed with all the basics

Cost Share Potentials Chart
5 pages breaking down the info on billing details and Out of Pocket costs in the form of a one-year snapshot of hypotheticals

Plan Details Worksheet
A 1-page fill-in-the-blank that can be digital or printed and is designed to help keep your pertinent plan information at the ready

ETA: I just updated access permissions so the request isn’t needed anymore. Sorry about that!

Edit 2: previous links doxed me so I fixed them
@redcrambler People buy ebooks all the time. If you were to do something like this in the future, I would package it into a 'booklet', put it on a site that publishes ebooks, and try different prices.

I'll definitely take a look at these, thanks!
@renob They def do, that’s what prompted me to take action on the idea. Cause turning knowledge into digital resources is like a valid thing right now.

And I’m not interested in trying again but thank you for the formatting tips 🙂 I was offering them for $1-$15
@hamburg It really is, you’d be surprised how many people need a single resource to really grasp things. It’s because of taking calls about this everyday, and coming across plans that didn’t allow us to answer these questions sometimes, that led me to compile it like this.
@longsho7 Thank you!! That’s too kind of you. But, maybe I can accept just a collective contribution to my retirement fund! Haha
I’m honestly glad I put them up here last night. I’m glad they’re getting some use and serving their purpose to help others 🥹💖

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