Input on salary negotiation

@jt1980 I'm in sales. My team would need to bring in minimum of $2m per year for a salary significantly lower than yours.

However they don't have to 'create' the product.

Not sure how helpful cross industry comparison will be tbh.
@jt1980 In real estate you will likely be working longer hours than you are currently, be on call 7 days a week, 24/7, have zero days of paid leave, zero sick days, and I could almost guarantee that in your first year at least you will take home less than what you are on currently despite the fact that you’ll be working more. The earning potential is high once you get going (7 figures if you become one of the best in the country) but many people who become agents do poorly and leave the industry again fairly promptly. Most people in the industry don’t earn nearly as much as what most people outside of the industry assume - it’s the guys and girls in the top 10-20% that do incredibly well
@jt1980 I work in car sales. If I made 5mil/year in gross profit (not exactly revenue), I'd be making a touch more than $500k in commissions.

We do almost 60 hour weeks, 3 days off a fortnight and 4 weeks annual leave.
@jt1980 Are you asking so that you can get into those industries or to use those data points as a negotiation tactic?

Either way, it might not be a great plan. Just because you are great at sales doesn't mean it will translate equivalently in other industries. Conversely, if I was your employer and you came for a raise because a real estate agent makes more, I'd look at you funny. Other industries are not going to have the same economics, competitive dynamics, cyclical nature, etc.

I get how you are trying to position yourself, and it's smart, but you might want to have more cards to play than just that.

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