Inherited 200k stock, a house 150k life insurance and 70k in the bank


New member
Obvious throwaway account.jI’m completely father recently passed and left me a huge inheritance without much preparations he never told me how much he had but always joked about me one day having to deal with “all his shit” problem is I have no idea what I’m doing. I know I should start by investing in an index fund and diversify my stock portfolio. I cannot believe he bought 235k shares of just Microsoft. The house is valued at $370k and is in great shape in a booming vacation destination. I’ve always wanted to start a plant nursery and luckily enough all 4 of my best friends already work in or on small farms nursery’s or restaurant gardens. I was thinking about investing and starting our own buisiness. They refuse to let me pay the bulk of start up costs but I do want to help them somehow. None of them have much debt so I was thinking about paying off their small debts as a gift and for an opportunity for all of us to get our own loans. Any other ideas of suggestions? Like I said I have no idea what I am doing.
@carmbear I would not just jump into throwing any money anywhere just yet. Opening up investment account(s) to keep that money going over the years will never hurt. Also take your time and go through your grief. Sorry for your loss! Make sure you find someone that informs you and their first instinct isn't just trying to get you to put your money with them for a quick buck.

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