[Indiana] Question about appeals process/timetable


New member
I was approved for unemployment in May but got the "non-payment due to unresolved issues" for the first few weeks. On 7/13 I got a determination that those weeks wouldn't be paid b/c of vacation and severance. I appealed via email on 7/20 because based on my calculations there's two weeks I should still be eligible for.

On 8/26 my appeal was uploaded in my correspondence history but I haven't heard anything since. Does anyone know if this means it took them a month just to put it in the system or does that mean someone is actually reviewing it now? Thanks in advance!
@psychologymajor Just look at as them stretching as long as they possibly can. Mine was 36 days past when I sent my mass DWD email. The day after that, everything was resolved. Who knows how long it would've been without that...
@psychologymajor I’m in a similar time frame as you. I sent my appeal 7/16 and it was uploaded 8/21. Does it actually say it is an appeal document in your uplink? I was concerned that it was just titled “generic determination notice.” I had expected it to be titled “appeal” something or other.

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