Indian working in USA on VISA term life insurance


New member
Is this possible to buy Term life insurance while in USA by an Indian citizen working in USA on VISA. The assumptions are
  1. The policy premium will be paid in USD as per the agreement.
  2. Chances that the person might have to move out of USA due to any reasons such as job, VISA exhaust etc..
  3. Nominees are Indian citizens living currently in USA but don't know in the future if they also had to relocate to India
  4. Once moved out they may not have a local US address
  5. Not looking to buy universal life insurance or whole life
  6. Not currently exploring options to buy term life in India
What are the best companies that offer Term life for in such situations?
@cd2 To qualify for most US based carriers, they would really need to state their intent is to live in US indefinitely. This does not mean that they won't be covered by the policy, if they do ever move out of the US. It only means at time of application, that their intent is to live in US indefinitely. Visa must be current. If above parameters are met, I've seen recent "preferred plus" term offers from Banner Life, Penn mutual, Principal, AuguStar, Guardian, Thrivent & Prudential. Others indicated regular preferred or standard rates are possible. Best thing to do is to make preliminary inquiry to whatever carrier you'd like to try, explain the situation and get a "tentative offer". This way, you don't get a surprise decline later or much higher rate class than you're expecting. Potential issues can arise when their home country is a Level 3 or 4 on State Dept travel advisory list as every carrier knows there will always be a possibility that they could leave US.

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