Income tax - first year separated from spouse


New member
Hi there,

I need help figuring out something on my tax return, the information is out there but I think I just don’t totally understand what the answer to my question is.
The scenario:
-My spouse and I separated in Aug 2023.
-We have 2 children age 6 and under.
-The children live with me 100% of the time since he left. He visits them in my home but has no solo parenting time of his own.
-He pays table child support as calculated by the government table.
- He does not pay me spousal support.
- In addition to child support, since September he pays 50% of daycare fees. (I pay them in full, he reimburses me)
-I received receipts for each child’s daycare fees.
- I calculated that I would claim 100% of daycare fees up until September because I am the lower-income parent by far.
-Then the fees from Sept-Dec, I divided in half and will claim only half.
-I told him the amount of his half for Sept-Dec.

I’m helping him with his return now and I do taxes on wealth simple. It asks under the heading “child care expenses deduction and Ontario CARE tax credit” :”if there is another person who is eligible to claim these expenses, are you the person with the higher net income?” If he selects yes it takes away his refund, but technically the expenses he’s claiming were strictly his own 50%. And what I’m claiming on mine is 100% of Jan-Sept, and 50% of Sept-Dec. Do we both select no because we’re only claiming our own portions (his amount plus my amount claimed equals the amount on the receipts)?

What should we each select for that answer? I’ve tried to understand on Gov of Canada site but I just don’t get it for our scenario.

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