Income Protection Insurance is indispensable


New member
Firstly, I’m amazed how many financially savvy people don’t consider IP insurance. It’s one of the cheapest forms of insurance around (relative to the value), and for many people our future earning potential will be the greatest ‘asset’ we will ever own.

I won’t dump the whole sob story, but I was diagnosed with cancer about 5 years ago at the age of 36 - pretty bad too. 6-figure income; my employer was great about it, but there’s only so much you can rely on there. Knowing that I could get 80% of my salary paid until retirement age (if needed) was the biggest relief - in the end I only took about 9 months of it. My premiums were around $70 a month then, now they’re a bit over $100 a month - all tax deductible too.

I’m with Zurich; the claims process was a bit drawn-out but they were as helpful as you could reasonably expect, and once approved they were very good to deal with. I had a personal case manager who handled all my claim and payment info, and I could email or call her directly.

Finally, the younger you are when you sign up, the cheaper it is. If you’re on a high income you don’t have to have it fully insured, eg could do 50% to make the premiums lower if you think you could live on that. If you have savings or sick leave you can also have a longer waiting period to reduce the premiums further (I had 2 months).

Anyway, end of PSA. If you’ve been putting this off, here’s your reminder. Stay safe and well out there.
@savis I won't go into the story either, but at the age of 38 IP insurance essentially saved my life. Paid quite a bit for it over the years, carried the policy over a decade and considered dropping it many times, but it stands as one of the best investments I've ever made.
@amarie07 Roughly $5,500 per year before tax deductions, so about $3.5k a year-ish after deductions. Call it $40k over the twelve or so years I've held it, somewhere in that ballpark.
@amarie07 There's a lot of that in it, for sure. I'd be a little more circumspect on another forum, but before the incident that led to me loving my policy so much I was a high-earner. I was fortunate to be able to be so well insured.

That being said, I didn't keep it properly up to date so when I needed it I was underinsured as compared to my real-world income, but it was still in good enough shape to prevent me from really hitting the wall.
@savis I was a teenage dad, struggling to keep up with bills and when my kids were a couple of years old an older gentlemen sat me down and asked ‘what will happen to your wife and kids if you died tomorrow?’. It was a big wake up call. Ever since then I have had income protection and life insurance.
@amarie07 Just tpd, life and income protection.

I barely made any money working three jobs and was able to get it paid for out of super. Was also only 19 so pretty low on the bar of being a responsible person!

Now that I am a little more older I have my ducks in a row.

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