@trevayne It might be worth contacting your ITs career service to see if they can link you with career guidance, or stuff like aptitude tests to figure out what you might like.

Honestly I'd take a year or two to get a job and start to figure out what type of work you might like before you go for a master's. Even something like join the civil service in a grad or a temporary role might be worth considering, as it'll give you exposure to different jobs that are out there.

And don't feel bad if you've no idea what you want to do. Most people don't and it's really hard to even think of never mind learn about all the jobs that exist.
@trevayne You need to join the industry with the highest growth rate. That's where the opportunities are. Right now it's Tech. You don't have to join as a SWE. There are plenty of other roles in business analysis, sales and ops.

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