In-Depth question regarding death while in the car/ death benefit.


New member
So basically, my dad passed away 2 weeks away while driving. He had sudden cardiac arrest (he's had heart issues, but the arrest was caused by something not seen by even his doctor), hit another car and then proceeded to die.

So he had a death benefit on his auto insurance for X amount of money. It's honestly not much, but it will help with the funeral costs, as he only had $5000 in life insurance, so we had to pay like $10k out of pocket.

The insurance said they will not pay and I want to appeal this, so I guess here's my questions.
  • What are the specific criteria to getting this benefit? There's nothing listed in my insurance plan so I'm not sure where to mark the appeal for or where t focus on.
  • What areas do you think would be smart to focus on?
  • Where can I get this information? I figure you guys probably won't know much of this.

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