@icewater Gosh, you’re so young and so financially responsible. Kudos to you! Enjoy your summer and go make memories. Put your savings into Trade Republic (4% interest paid monthly) or bunq. Don’t need to spend all your savings, but if I were you, I would take 40-50% and have the best summer of my life.
@icewater Depends on how much your body needs it because it is priority number one, don’t burn yourself out, plus your age allows it since you have on paper many years of working life ahead of you. Burning it all is a strong No. Always keep a percentage in savings. If you haven’t, begin a saving/investment portfolio
@icewater I’m nearly 30 and my biggest regret is not living when I was in my early 20s.
I worked full time from the age of 18, and did college part-time as a mature student as I couldn’t afford it any sooner.
I didn’t do a J1, didn’t take a gap year, didn’t go on holidays with friends. I just worked non-stop.
I deeply regret that. I have the rest of my life to work and earn more money, but I will never get my youth back.
(I know I am still young, but I have significantly more responsibilities now, so packing up and going travelling is off the cards).
Gosh I just want to say a big thank you for everyone’s responses! I’ve been so inspired by your words and will take action to enjoy myself while I’m young. Looking too deep into it is just a waste of time and I shouldn’t be scared to spend money to have a blast! I won’t blow all my savings but I’d definitely lift my boundaries and go exploring.

Many thanks again guys!
@icewater Up to you if I was you I’d chuck all of that into a trading 212 account forget about it and get 4% interest yearly and take it out when ready for a mortgage , work a little over summer and use that summer job income to enjoy yourself

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