Importing Communications Equipment into Argentina


New member
I'm new to ExpatFinance subreddit and would like to introduce myself. I'm a 31 year old former Marine officer and a graduate of Texas A&M w/ a degree in Agricultural Engineering. I'm currently a partner and manager of an agricultural investment in Argentina. Our investment manager lives in Argentina and my business partner and I live in the US. We make several trips down to Argentina every year to monitor the investment and advice our manager.

I'm writing to see if anyone has any current information or first-hand knowledge of Argentine customs regulations regarding the import of communications equipment into Argentina. I suspect since Macri was elected late last year that some of the previous regulations/restrictions might have changed. I'd like to hand-carry a few pieces of equipment down with me on my next trip to help our investment manager and I stay in better contact while we're not on site in Argentina.

Any and all information/comments would be appreciated.

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