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Anyone know of a calculator that works to give a figure of all taxes due on a car bought in the U.K.? It’s very difficult to discern if importing a car from England represents value for money
@lou84 Go to used cars NI. Pick out an electric car you like and then input the details on vrt.ie to check if any vrt is owed. If its 2018 and older more than likely you won't owe anything. No import or vat owed if its an NI registered car.
@twerne Thank you!! I’ve read the guidance, car has to be valued at under 40K on the Irish market, thanks for the insight. Still unsure about an electric car but that’s a whole other thread lol
@lou84 I remember looking inot this for a motorcycle. There were no optional extras available in either country so the bikes were identical. And the price of the bike in Ireland was exactly the price in the UK + import costs/VRT making sure there was no way to get something cheaper than from an irish dealer.

It's as through the irish car dealers have some friends in the Dail that make sure no one can save money buying from another country.
@lou84 Importing from the uk you will pay 10%duty on the purchase price plus the transport costs then you will pay 23% vat on all of that, once that is done you will need to register it in Ireland and you will pay vehicle registration tax anywhere from 7%-41% of the Irish open market selling price calculated by revenue depending on the vehicles co2 emissions you will also pay a nox emissions charge from €5 - €4850 depending on nox and a tyre levy €11.20. It’s not straight forward you cannot calculate exactly especially with the revenue calculation of omsp, although if you find that they calculated the omsp wrong you can provide evidence and apply for a refund of the difference but very rarely you will get any refund and I have heard of people paying more with the increase in prices of used cars
@lou84 It is never worth it, the double Tax VRT Ireland has is nasty, you can get a rough idea using the revenue calculator here

my maste saw a car last week in the UK for 6000 - and revenue wanted 2k for just bringing it here. Yes its decent for 'sales' but for your everyday car, not a chance
@gilcimarlp Since Brexit, the main issue is customs duty and having to pay Irish VAT.

Pre-Brexit, there were no additional duties and you didn’t need to worry about paying Irish VAT (as long as vehicle was 6 months old and had >6000km on the clock) as it had already been paid in the U.K.

Before Brexit, U.K. imports were usually cheaper than Irish equivalent models even allowing for the payment of VRT. There were some exceptions to this but for many of the popular makes and models it was cheaper to import from U.K.
@lou84 Value for money wise, probably not worth it. But quite often can get cars with better equipment spec’d and had easier lives on better roads
@lou84 It depends on the car model and the VRT due. It can be worth it but certain cars can have huge VRT taxes eg volvo xc90 or BMW x5 can be €30k Vrt! I previously paid €2.5k vrt on a car and it worked out a few thousand cheaper than buying here. The newer the car the greater the VRT as it is basically a deterrent for doing such.

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