@thefridge1982 That's bullshit.
I'm by no means rich or even upper-middle class but even I know that it's the system that is broken, not the amount current people are taxed.

It's the the super rich and companies that are tax dodging leaving the heavy lifting to those who that manage to claw and scrape through.

Start taxing foreign investors and conglomerates and then rebuild a proper tax system that doesn't allow the rich to hide funds.
@thefridge1982 penalties on wage earners is out of control in this country. Thankfully someone is sticking up for them. This tax cut is needed to push incentives in the right direction in this country
@thefridge1982 I may be a simpleton but I have an idea on how to bring the tax system into an equal playing field.

Get rid off income tax.
Now hear me out...

This will increase every person's income who earns an income... they will spend more money and thus more GST revenue. That revenue should go to maintaining the state that it comes from less say 20% which goes to federal parliament for running costs, millatary etc...

Now. We also introduce an tax on ALL money that it taken out of Australia. Around 20%.
This will encourage local spending and investment.
Products that can be made in Australia but are imported should also have an excise applied at 20%.

Now the values shown may need to be different for there to be enough tax to cover our operating expenses etc..

This will do many things that would positively influence our country.
1. People will want to earn more money and work more jobs as they are not penalised for earning more.
2. Local manufacturing would be boosted as it would cost more to import some products.
3. As local manufacturing increases, so does the base material needs increase and lost industries are rediscovered.
4. Housing prices come down as investors no longer can use negative gearing to reduce their tax debt
5. More local tourism. Less people will go to Bali as suddenly its 20% dearer.

If you can think of any other benifits, prey tell
@tkdkid5282 Many countries in South America have done similar in the past, and some continue with policies you suggest, eg: Argentina.

Investments in the country crashed as nobody wants to bring money into the country as capital couldn't get out without heavy tax. Further crash on currency as foreigners drop the currency, capital escapes country as soon as you start talking about the restriction causing massive pain. All restrictions on imports increased cost locally due to lack of competition and artificial monopolies. Other countries imposed restrictions on Argentinian exports as payback for the protectionist measures.

I really recommend everyone to study Argentinian economic history, they have tried it all and multiple times. Most are things suggested here in Ausfinance regularly and are quite popular.

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