[Illinois] Unemployment from A-Z help. I'm new to this and very lost!


New member
Hi, I recently got laid off last Monday 5/18 - I am still on the company payroll through June 17th (meaning I'm getting regular biweekly paychecks through this time), which I believe is when I'm going to be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. I have a few questions -
  1. Is it possible to apply for unemployment from now, for June 17th? That way my application has a spot in line amongst the thousands of apps they are receiving? Or do I have to wait until June 17th to file? Is there a way to mention this in the app?
  2. How long before I begin to actually receive the $$?
  3. In terms of the additional $600/week that we're eligible for due to COVID, am I required to apply for that separately, or does it get processed automatically?
  4. I want to use this unemployment money to travel abroad (while actively applying for jobs!). Has anyone tried using a VPN to do the bi-weekly check in, or have a friend do it for them?
  5. How much 'job search' is enough job search? If I apply for 1-2 jobs/week, is that enough proof to Illinois that I'm 'actively searching for work'?
any and all guidance would be appreciated.
  1. No you have to wait until you're unemployed.
  2. It may take months. I'm not in your state but you should look around for people in your state. Maybe by the time you apple they will be handling it better.
  3. The 600 comes automatically
  4. That's illegal. Don't do that.
  5. You don't have to look for jobs right now
@resjudicata thank you for answering all the questions! As for number 4, do I have the option of telling them im leaving the country, and just getting unemployment before I leave and after I come back?
@johnathan92 You don't have to tell them you're going out of the country. You can just stop certifying and then reopen your claim once you come back. Or if it's not that long and your claim is not closed yet once you come back you can certify for those weeks and say you weren't available.
@johnathan92 You cannot be out of state or country and certify. When you answer the question are you able and available for work you must mark yes. You would not be available therefore it would be untrue.
@silgo76 Just curious if that is explicitly stated anywhere?

In the hypothetical were the job your being laid off from allows for you to work remotely. You could, in theory, start working that day if your employer calls you back; i.e. able and available for work. Why would IDES care if your holed up in your house or hotel overseas?
@jesuschristislord777 This is info that has been given by an IDES employee. This article explains it a bit more regarding the available and able requirement for unemployment.


Edit Obviously the search for work is suspended at this time but they will implement it again most likely sooner rather than later. There was a man in NY that did this and they requested their money back from when he was out of the country. It’s best to suspend your claim and reopen when you come back
@silgo76 Thanks for the article. As long as they don't require actively searching if the expectation is for your previous employer to call you back and that company allowed remote working, then you might have an argument.

In reading through some of the adjudication precedents, they do seem to look at specifics of cases. But it might not be worth the headache to work through the appeals process.
@silgo76 If I file on June 17th, travel abroad for 2 months in August and am still unemployed when I return, am I still eligible? Is there a certain amount of time after the layoff date that I am no longer eligible to file for benefits?
@johnathan92 Work search requirements have been waived until now but states are now beginning to enforce them again. The best thing to do going forward is the virtual career workshops here they count as work search activities and you get certificates that they can verify. It's all done online and it usually takes me an hour or less to complete a workshop so it shouldn't be a problem doing it every week. So I'd recommend doing one or two of these each week, or 3 if you really cannot find any jobs to apply to. There's a work search log you can download from that website

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