[Illinois] First Time Appeal hearing about "Able & Available to work"


New member
I missed a phone interview that was about reporting my work search because I started a new job and forgot they call through a private number so I couldn't call back. I then got an overpayment letter and denial letter regarding that same week, in question so I sent in an appeal.

My employer was a temp agency when I made my unemployment claim and faxed over the Reconsideration letter for both the denial and overpayment letters. I got my hearing date but I have a question since I'm nervous about talking to a judge and wondering if screenshots of the emails I was exchanging between my recruiter and another temp agency recruiter who eventually got a job for me would be enough? So I have to send over those emails or would referring to them be enough?

Also, in the appeal hearing letter, it said "Employer Agent : C/O NSN" instead of an actual name, what does that mean?

Should I even worry, lol?

Appeal Hearing Letter for clarity
@elie36 You have to be more specific. In your title you talk about able and available but you never actually mention what your hearing is about. What is your question?
@vlavender I don't have the Hearing letter in front of me but what I appealed was a letter that denied me for a week saying that I wasn't "Able and Available for work" when they called me for a phone interview to check on that but I wasn't able to answer in time so they ruled that I wasn't able or available.

I can't remember the law code off hand but yeah. If that's not clear enough, let me know, I'm new to all this.
@elie36 Ok so that's basically the same info you have in your post. Nothing new. Why are they saying you were not able and available? And what is the situation?
@vlavender Posted a pic of the letter showing what I mean.

In my post I said they said I wasn't able or available to work because I missed one of the phone interviews where they were going to ask me what I was doing to find a job during a specific week, I'd tell them where I was applying and that'd be that but I missed the call so they ruled I wasn't looking for work and denied me that week so I appealed it.

That's basically the long and short of it.

Edit: My main question is do I have to fax or mail screenshots of my emails proving my work search or is it enough to just talk about them during the appeal hearing phone call?
@elie36 You should attach them with your appeal. Your appeal hearing might take months to get scheduled so at least they will have those documents during the hearing.
@vlavender Okay, I'll send them over, then. Idk why I thought it would just look silly, on my part, sorry.

My hearing is scheduled for 11/23, actually, kinda shocked I got a date so fast compared to others who say they've been waiting for months.
@elie36 Yes send everything you have emails etc along with your appeal. Idk what those initials stand for. Oh it could be insufficient address or name and it was returned by USPS. That is a problem. If that’s what those initials stand for. You will have to call in to get clarification.
@elie36 "Administrstive Law Judge" is not a Judge. It is a regular employee with a title designed to intimidate you. They will even have you swear the oath over the phone, which is nothing in reality. Your former employer will most likely be on that call too. The call will be recorded. The reason for the call, is they don't have any solid evidence, and are looking to get you and your employer to argue and get you to admit guilt. You will almost certainly lose. Either hire an attorney or refuse verbal communication. No one can force you to talk on the phone. I would write back and say I cannot speak and am available via email or mail for any questions you have. There are several stages of appeals, just keep appealing if they keep denying you. Just save all your evidence for the final appeal, which is actually in a real county court room in front of a real Judge, that is your only fair chance.

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