If you're going to switch to the new tax regime, does it make sense to stop putting money in PPF, NPS, etc to simplify things?


New member
I know the conventional wisdom is that you should keep using these retirement planning instruments, but at this point my retirement savings are spread over EPF, PPF, NPS, ULIP, and MFs. I'm pretty sure there is almost no benefit to spreading things out like this if you're going to be on the new tax regime for the rest of your life. It makes things too complicated for me, I realised this after I almost forgot I even had this shitty ULIP.

So I've been thinking of stopping my PPF and NPS contributions. The ULIP my dad made me do it but it's gained only 10% over the last year which is quite pathetic.

So I'll be left with EPF, MFs only. Does that make sense?
@eluid Ppf is one of the best investment irrespective of whether you are getting 80C deduction or not.

Interest earned and amount received on maturity both is exempt.

It has lock in 15 years which can give you a self discipline in investing

Compounding effects are great if you invest 1.5 lac evey year in long run
@consolatio ELSS is more risky then ppf as it is based on market where as ppf is backed by govt.

elss has no fixed return where as ppf has fixed income

profit on sale of elss upto 1 lac is expemt above 100000 it has tax of 10% where as ppf is fully expent on all aspects.

not confirmed but i think in case of you going bankrupt govt cant liquidate your ppf but they can liquidate elss
@consolatio Apart from Equity investment you need to invest some part of your money in non-linked market schemes which will exempt you from tax as well. At this point of time PF is the only one which is Exempt Exempt Exempt as such taking that up is fine. ELSS is also exempted but it doesn't have a lockin period so for indisciplined folks VPF is a good option.
@resjudicata Hey I had a doubt regarding the PPF. I've created one with my bank. I can see how much money I've put in when i check the transactions. My doubt was is the interest generated, added to my account after every quarter? Because I haven't seen the intrest amount being added. Is it calculated after the lock in period?

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