If you invested in stocks with only one letter in their stock symbol, you would be invested in 24 very diverse stocks.

@resjudicata That's part of it, but its also the sheer randomness of it. For example, P for Pandora Media was founded in 2006. It creates a very diverse portfolio without needing a financial advisor.
@tanakh1 How is this investment strategy different from any other? This makes you diversified, and the market tends to move up and down as a whole. I assume you've heard that randomly picking stocks works just as well as actually looking at the numbers.
@resjudicata All of these investments are diverse, and are just as valid as any other strategy. I don't have the money to invest now, but when I do I'll invest in these stocks.
@pilgrim73 Or you could just invest in an index fund since your argument is literally that this strategy is similar to investing in an index fund.

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