If you invested in stocks with only one letter in their stock symbol, you would be invested in 24 very diverse stocks.

@annamarie6991 I wouldn't say 'probably.' But, 'as likely' to beat the market as experts. Or do as well as experts. The whole point is there isnt really a reliable way to significantly beat the market. 'Probably' suggests otherwise.
@childofthecross Well, it is 'slightly' better than that, because there is still a kind of rule that only large and important coporations, or 'deep settled, been around long' companies get single letter symbols. These are coveted by corporations. So if they give away the here missing 'U', they will rather give it to Unilever than to Ugur&Brothers Kebab Shoppe.

This means that he isn't randomly pulling stuff, but preselected things in a way. And it's not as badly preselected as a toodle drooled together picking would present.
@resjudicata it's as random as the toddler scenario.

you're missing the point. the point is this is a completely bullshit method of selecting stocks. it doesn't take anything into account other than the symbol which is completely arbitrary.

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