if you earn 7%, you will double your money in 10 years (rule of 72)


New member
2023 distribution

Sentral REIT 8.3%

Hektar REIT 7.7%


PavREIT 7.1%

Capita REIT 7.1%

IGB REIT 6.02%

Just FYI. We have safe investment gems in KLSE. if you go back 10 years, 2014-2023, almost every REIT on the list managed to do 7-9% except for COVID years.

And the list isnt exhaustive or the best...its just a selection of well known names

Again..im not saying REITS ARE THE BEST...WIN ALL ELSE. Im just saying, KLSE REITS can be part of a diversified portfolio that is easy to start for new investor. Without management fees, without forex fees, no witholding tax etc

If you dont agree that is fine, not here to force you to buy reits. if you think crypto/etf/voo/vt/vwra is better, thats also fine.

One advantage mreits has over overseas investments, is the dividen is in myr and can be spent straight away or reinvested

But 1 thing i think REIT is superior to...is actual physical property. All the aunties asking you to take out 30 year loan to buy a property to rent....please...tell them go fly kite and get REITS instead.
@mattmanticus These numbers are total returns or distributions only 😉 Keep in mind if distribution is 7% but growth is -7% then you’re nett 0% yeah.

eg. Sentral REIT fell 11.54% last year and distributions were only approx. 8.30% for year 2023, so you do the total return maths 😅😅 Negative!!

Not sure why so many people focus on dividends dividends dividends when it’s not indicative of anything!
@mattmanticus What would be the possible cons of VWRA from your perspective? As an investment newbie my understanding is that the long term returns are pretty consistent all around
@cpossanza its easy to sell your mreit in an emergency, and the proceeds are in myr, same with mreit dividends...paid out in myr, can spend or invest, up to you.

With VWRA as a long term investment with 10-20 year window, selling it will negatively impact your overall strategy, as well as the proceeds being in USD, which has to be converted back, which incurs forex costs.
@mattmanticus Er.. REIT investor here. One look at your data on IGBREIT already questionable - 10%+pa net DY%? Unless one bought at crashed prices and held, may be, but on average net dividend / price every year - nope.
@mattmanticus helo, im a fellow reits investor since 2012. kindly check the stock price from 2012 until now, tell me thats a good investment..

give u example, arreit, amfirst, twrreit and hektar even. minimum already drop 50% in share price. i know, because i lost alot on reits.

if you die die want to hold reits ,i only recommend pavreit, sunreit, igbreit, bcos of their malls. dont touch others.

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