If i drove total 3000 kms in 2020, what is the average gas price i have to calculate to get the final cost?


New member
Lets say the gas prices per liter i have paid are $1.23, $1.10, $1.05, $9.95 during 2020. What gas price should pick to calculate? I searched on google but they gave unrelated info..
@hiwaystar Correct me if im wrong but there is not a
flat rate like there is for moving expenses.

If you look up employment expenses in the search bar on the canada.ca website, theres a section for keeping records. Its like chapter 1 of the guide.

You need to be keeping records just in case your employment expenses claim gets reviewed. If you cant substantiate your claim while under review, the cra will disallow it.
@hiwaystar Why do you want to calculate this? The only accurate way would have been to save your receipts. If it doesn't need to be accurate just calculate a rough average price yourself.

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