
New member
Depending on the size of your trade, IB's tiered pricing can be cheaper than the default fixed pricing. Typically, tiered pricing is cheaper below a certain trade amount and above a certain trade amount, and fixed pricing is cheaper for trades between these amounts.

You can change your pricing structure via settings -> IBKR pricing plan. Be aware that it may take one business day for your change of pricing structure to be taken into account. And mind that paper accounts always use fixed pricing, so you cannot test tiered pricing in your paper account.

The below spreadsheet covers ETFs denominated in USD, EUR and GBP on different exchanges. The exchange, clearing and regulatory fees are taken into account:

Pricing source:
@testament7 The columns are for where the ticker is trading at, not where you are based from. e.g if you are buying a stock that is listed on NYSE stock exchange, you pay the US price tier prices

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