I tried a Delta 8 edible in college, do the P&C big carriers drug test?


New member
I am graduating in May, and decided that I wanted to try Delta 8 one time before I moved on to adult life.

It is legal to purchase in Texas. But I am worried I might still get screwed.

Apparently D8 shows positive on THC.

Thanks for the help, it was my only time trying it and through legal channels. I guess I am just a bit freaked out.
@ren207 I took a pee test at my job. As long as you peed clean it wasn’t an issue. D8 doesn’t stay in your body for more than a few weeks so if you get the interview, just don’t partake for a few weeks lol

The background check for the overwhelming majority of jobs is basically just running your name through a criminal history check and making sure you don’t have a bankruptcy in recent years if you’re handling people’s money. It’s not like getting a security clearance where they’ll grill you about every time you’ve used drugs lol
@wvcorley Yeah it seems like they all did pre pandemic and then some stopped. That said the info is totally mixed across forums so I just want to be safe.
@ren207 If you’re applying for a position that requires you to drive for business such as an outside adjuster, sales agent, or field underwriter I would be prepared to take one at any time.
@wvcorley On a totally separate subject, how was your experience in one of those programs? I am pretty excited for the additional opportunity to learn more.
@ren207 Great experience. They start you from the beginning so a lot of background knowledge isn’t needed. They do have tests so you have to put in the effort to stay on track. Based on what I’ve heard from colleagues most programs do a couple of weeks in the classroom and then a week of practical experience so you get to apply your knowledge as you go. I recommend checking out posts in r/insuranceprofessional and reading Insurance Journal news.
@wvcorley Thanks! I am a Risk management and insurance major too so I have a solid understanding of insurance especially commercial but I love it so learning more will be fun.

Im very excited tbh

Edit: I know life and health well but it’s not my personal favorite
@ren207 I would be surprised if they checked for it. Even jobs (in general, bot just insurance), have been phasing out testing for thc for a while now and are more interested in the other drugs. Not saying a lot don't still test, but it's especially true for larger corporations that span beyond one state or region. Regardless, just don't have any like a month in advance and drink water. You should be fine
@ren207 GEICO (at least when I was hired a few years ago) did a hair test which included THC. If it was just once I’d be absolutely shocked if you pop on anything at all. I was a habitual user and stopped using 3 months prior to application and was just fine.
@ren207 I work for a pretty big company and we don’t test at all. If you have a criminal record from it, that would be relevant, but we don’t care at all about use where it’s legal or use off the clock.
@ren207 Used to work in law enforcement probation and gave drug tests. Realistically not going to show up in urine that long from now. I've worked for 3 big carriers without ever getting tested but you never know. I swear I've inherited claims from folks on drugs.
@ren207 I would be surprised if they checked for it. Even jobs (in general, bot just insurance), have been phasing out testing for thc for a while now and are more interested in the other drugs. Not saying a lot don't still test, but it's especially true for larger corporations that span beyond one state or region. Regardless, just don't have any like a month in advance and drink water. You should be fine

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