I think Auckland housing prices will continue to fall by 15%-25%

@gavenv I think there is merit to those points, however I no longer can engage in a meaningful conversation when you speak in that manner towards the end. Cheers

FYI - you abolished your own point that you were making when elaborating the duopoly.
If prices fall drastically,

They have and they are falling drastically. There's little the government can do to counter the effect if interest rates. And many of the things the can do involve political backtracking e.g by allowing negative gearing again.

The economy won't fail. The construction industry is in for a rough rude, and unemployment there will hurt the rest of the economy. Most people are going to keep their jobs though
@kalenebari As soon as inflation comes down, within 9, 12, 15 months after rate peaks, perhaps the rates will come back down sharply to release the brakes and we’ll be back at 5s by 2024. And off house prices will continue again, on their 7% annual compound growth rate, just as they have the last 40-50 years. We’re a few months away from peak OCR, unless the Feb CPI figures are a total shock, so perhaps we are not far away from the corner beginning to turn.

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