I shouldn't have to choose between having money or healthcare


New member
That's it. That's the whole argument. My wife shouldn't have to turn down decent paying jobs because she'd lose her current insurance that covers everything. I shouldn't have to sit down and do a fuckton of math and figure out if x insurance would cover everything at a y pay and if y is greater than or less than Z pay. She shouldn't have to figure out if sacrificing healthcare is worth the pay and I shouldn't have to convince her that it's not because I value her more than fucking nice things like having enough food for the month.

And I especially shouldn't be stressing that all the jobs are raising their wages and her insurance won't raise their income limits so eventually she's going to lose her insurance no matter what and because life is like this, that will be the time she gets cancer again. I'm just so fucking tired of this.
@resjudicata That was what was so fucked in the early days of the pandemic. Corporations were like don’t you have any money put away? Meanwhile our whole country is fucked from the bank and auto bailouts…
@holypath Before she moved to my state, my wife was living in Arizona that had very a limited Medicaid program, so she was paying for insurance that literally did not cover anything just so she would not have to have the penalty. That insurance was the main reason she moved in with me as she was bleeding non-stop for 2 years and forked out a couple grand but doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her without more testing with money she did not have. She moved in with me got on my state's Medicaid program and got a doctor's appointment and found out she had cancer. I live in constant fear of losing my loved ones because they can't afford to have some treatment or testing done. I fucking hate this.
@katesierra I hear you. The system is stupid. As an adult I’ve gone without health insurance most of the time. Even when working full time most places didn’t offer it or at one place it was really expensive. And even more difficult when your single like I am. Nothing to fall back on. It doesn’t have to be like this in the US, things could be fixed if leaders wanted them to be.
@katesierra Please get all her medical records and speak to an attorney! A delayed diagnosis of cancer when doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong is very serious! They are supposed to follow standard of care no matter what the ability to pay is and most states have Medicaid for breast and cervical cancer regardless of income or assets. I’m so sorry this is happening to your wife and you both.
@oaktree500 This all happened years ago but from what I understand edometrial cancer is kinda hard to detect and it wasn't until after her hysterectomy that it was found. She goes for screening for both colon and breast as a follow up as she has the genes for both and I don't ever want to end up like she was before and lose her because she can't afford more tests
@katesierra My stepmom had cancer years ago that went undetected despite tests (not endometrial though) and she was touch-and-go for awhile there since it was so advanced and she took on a lot of medical debt. A couple months ago they just won a giant settlement. They sued for $2mil and didn’t get the full amount but more than enough for her to pay off the hospital bills and retire early, so it’s really worth at least consulting a lawyer about it. As long as the hospitals still have your medical record it’s possible even if it was years ago
@katesierra I feel you. I was saving what little I could for YEARS to buy a house and even with insurance a single medical issue wiped me out. I’m now in a lot of debt over it despite being a responsible saver and paying out the ass for insurance that apparently covers a very narrow definition of healthcare.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I can’t believe so many people die because they cannot afford the cost to live.
@minara The entire credit and finance industry is and always was a scam. However it's gotten way way worse the last 10 or 12 years. You aren't rewarded for having saving or any liquid cash. They want you to have a certain debt load even for a perfect credit score.
@minara Yes, this is me too. . . spent most of my life without health insurance, and if only it had been reasonable and available my health issues might have been treated sooner at an overall lower cost. Why are Republicans so against universal health care? Aaaarrghhh!

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