I shouldn't have to choose between having money or healthcare

@katesierra I have an autoimmune condition, plus several nerve disorders. I had several brain surgeries before I was 30. When I lived in California, public healthcare was almost decent and I at least didn’t have to pay for my medicine for the first time in my life. But the cost of living was ridiculous. Now I am living in the south. COL is much more reasonable (for now). But Medicaid here is a joke. They’ll only cover three (!!!) medications a month. And I have to reapply every three months and jump through hoops and do a dance and try not to cry myself to sleep every night. It shouldn’t be this hard to stay alive and out of horrific pain
@katesierra Family of 3 healthy adults (2; 60 y/o & 1; 20 y/o college student) $20,400 per year premiums plus $8,000 deductible but also $17,000 "out of pocket" available through his employer who pays no part of it ... we don't actually have any pockets with 17k in them ...

Full time (2080 hours annually) at $18+ take home just support our little health "habit".

We feel your pain in so many ways.
@hesedlove92 Does your employer pay any of the premiums? It sounds like you are on an individual plan, not group plan.

If you are on an individual plan or a high deductible plan from your employer you can get an exception to qualify for subsidies from the ACA
@elizabethc Group plan, no employer contribution. We're told that because his employer offers HI we aren't eligible on the "marketplace" whether the employer contributes or not. I will absolutely look into the ACA subsidy.

I'm self employed, working my butt off, in a very low margin field - my income just barely covers our health care.
@katesierra I try to sign up for it every year and they always want like $500/mo with a $5000 deductible and I’m like yeah sure I’m just gonna have $5000 laying around if something happens guess I’ll die

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