I passed my exam!


New member
Covid was pretty devastating to my chosen career path. I was a sommelier working in NYC. I was furloughed, went onto unemployment, and then ended up moving back in with my parents. I had spent 7 years living in NYC and it’s been 10 months without work and 6 months living with parents. I decided to start studying for my state’s Life and Health Insurance Licenses (two separate exams for me). It was actually pretty tough for me at first because it’s a wildly different field. But once I got the hang of the jargon I realized it’s pretty fascinating stuff. I have a pending job with a company that does financial planning but is looking to expand in the way of life and health insurance policies. Tonight I had my first exam - life and I passed! I was so nervous going in and I’m so happy that I don’t have to take it again. I have accident and health on Thursday but I’m feeling better about my study habits and knowledge after passing tonight. My long term plan is to eventually go for my series 65 and 7 next and maybe try for a CFP down the line. I’ve been a lurker on this sub to see other’s experiences and read the questions and responses other producers post. Thank you all for your active participation on this sub and I’m really looking forward to the next chapter in my life! Any advice would be welcome :)
@krikkor I’ll be joining a financial planning company that’s expanding their life (mostly) and health (partially) plans. So I’m looking at a base + profit sharing for salary

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