I need help w insurance. Recovering alcoholic


New member
Hi! I have been in active addiction for years. I have had three accidents (no one was harmed, just my car and theirs) I have been sober for 10 months and got out of rehab 6 months ago and not driving. I need to get a car to drive to and from work and I can’t afford insurance on a cheap used car. I live w my regrets everyday about driving hungover the next day to work and the wrecks already.. does anyone know a way to get insurance lowered?
@dinny First, congratulations on being sober. Seriously, that's a huge accomplishment.

Second, the things you can do to lower your insurance premium are to drive a cheap, older vehicle that is paid off and that you can afford to replace out of pocket so you don't need to carry comprehensive and collision coverage. Look for a 2000s Toyota or Honda. Something boring.

Reach out to an independent agent. You can find one through Google or trustedchoice.com. You can give them all of your info, and they can run quotes for you with multiple companies, including the ones you've never heard of that don't sell directly to the public. They can find you the best policy and make sure you have the coverage you need.

They can also give you quotes for vehicles while you're shopping. Just collect the VINs of several cars you are considering and send it to them. That way, you will know if you can afford the insurance before you buy the car. It's a Life Hack everyone should use.
@dinny To piggyback on this comment. All solid advice.if you'd like some coverage for the car, opt for comprehensive. Your collision record won't affect the cost of this coverage, and you'll have something if your car or catalytic converter is stolen.

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