I need help in halal investing

Hey everyone fjrst time posting here so I am 20 shall be 21 in a few months and I have $5k saved up and I was wondering what should I do with it so it's not just sitting in my bank accounting and devaluing. I want to invest it into something but I don't have much knowledge on which stocks to invest in but I do have a Robinhood account. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
@counselorwriterdad If it's money you can leave for at least a couple years then just put it in some sharia-compliant ETFs and mutual funds.

ETFs available in the US I know of are HLAL, SPUS, SPRE, SPSK

For mutual funds, look for Amana funds and they have a few options for income, growth, and emerging markets.
@counselorwriterdad Before investing it anywhere, learn how to read charts, what it means, basics of market cycles and how to research an investment. Everyone blindly invests passively and hopes it generates then decent returns. Truth is the only way to make great returns is to do it yourself. You’re sorted with the robinhood account. I would create a trading view account and look at charts, prices etc and watch some YouTube videos or join communities to learn. Then you can manage you’re own portfolio
@_youngboolingbhris_ Passive investing is the right option for like 90% of people who don't have the time/knowledge to actively manage a portfolio and even then the majority of actively managed investing doesn't even beat the market. Even professionals whose full time job is portfolio management.

Less than 10% of active large-cap fund managers have outperformed the S&P 500 over the last 15 years.


Passive investing does generate decent returns. Not trying to deter anyone who really wants to actively manage their portfolio but it's probably not going to get most people any better returns.
@sbmor777 I agree until you said “actively managed investing doesn’t even beat the market”. That’s false but you have to be someone who has real exposure to the markets to know that isn’t the case. In this case you haven’t seen results from doing it yourself or tried it otherwise you’d have refrained from that and the following sentence

Edit: I’ve just seen you added sources from motley fool. FYI nobody that has industry knowledge and can trade reads that. Their demographic is people like OP.

My point is don’t let headlines limit you. You can do way better than any of these funds and I know 100’s (literally hundreds) of people that beat the S&P with ease including myself. I think it’s good to have both perspectives and everyone should learn anyway so that they can give it a go. If they aren’t successful then go the passive route. The 6-10% won’t have you missing generational wealth

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