@zb1995 Maybe if you're interested in working in the Healthcare field, there's some nursing homes that will pay for you to get your STNA certification and work in their nursing home.
@zb1995 This may be a dumb question, but have you filled out a FAFSA? If you're looking into trades, a lot of those are taught through community colleges and are eligible for financial aid. There are also other career and technical education programs and short term certificates that qualify for financial aid. The FAFSA is the application for federal grants (free money), work study (work at the school and earn financial aid; good for finding a job that works around your classes) and loans (not free, but you don't have to start paying it back until 6 months after you graduate, and you can do an income-based repayment plan once you do start. If you work in public service for 10 years while making your payments you can qualify for loan forgiveness).
@zb1995 You're right about that, lol...the advice I have gotten from Financial Aid has been to keep trying it. The Department of Education has been fully unable to get their shit together on this year's FAFSA since the simplified FAFSA was announced. It's not entirely their fault; the Department of Ed requires adequate funding to be able to function. Loan servicers are also having issues with processing times. Normally the FAFSA opens in October, but they announced it would be open December 31, then they actually only opened it for *one hour* on that day to say they technically opened it that day. It was supposed to be completely up and running by March; however I was warned that students trying to apply for fall term funding would be in the position you're in. It's important to keep checking and make sure the application gets fully submitted.
@zb1995 Awesome :) you’ll be ‘ight msg me if you want advice. I’m currently pursuing grad school soon but working professional. So just lmk depends on your interests. I majored in biology 🧬 and minored in public health. So I have a lot of experience in lab specifically biotechnology and also recently pivoted into working for the public. So now im making less money but with benefits. And it’s still not making me happy so im gonna go after my next degree bc ultimately if you stay stagnant and you still want more that’s on you, and unfortunately no one else seems to care. Ik it’s hard to get to pay for it but you’re still working on your first and there’s a lot of money out there for that. So you’re def gonna be in good hands once you get this sorted.
@zb1995 Genuinely curious as to why you say trade school is expensive, I'm from a different state but pretty much all the trades union or non union pay you to learn while you work and if You're Union, the education is actual class time for part of the hours and it's subsidized by union dues. I recently got hired as a plumbers apprentice at a non union shop, im handy and have always been mechanically inclined, they started me at $23 an hour and in a couple years if I learn fast enough I could get sent out on my own truck at a higher wage
@jasonlhoke Why not? She can live off of welfare.

lol the military? Are you trying to rip them apart? That’s a terrible idea. 💡 that will destroy your relationship. lol 😂 not going to give you any personal stories but I have them lined up.
@resjudicata Lmao.. the reason I mentioned kids in the post is because I had a rough childhood and I will never submit a child to poverty. I’d say a household should bring in at least 100k for a kid. I’m nowhere near that.
@zb1995 Learn a trade, less expensive than college, only take classes you need for trade. College is overrated, there are so many people that don't know how to fix things anymore. Those that do know how, will always have work.
@zb1995 Maybe you and your BF can both get CDLs and drive Team. Work, live, get paid. Plus, if you can handle it, you can live full time in the truck and not have to deal with renting. Do that for a couple of years and have enough to buy your home and get your family started.
@zb1995 Girl move the fuck out of bum fuck Kentucky. Ain’t you seen justified not shit in that state. You’re obviously a good server/bartender go work somewhere seasonal, make a shitload in 5-6 months and then chill the other.
@zb1995 If you can handle it, try to get your LPN (licensed practical nurse). They make really good money and it doesn't take nearly as long as getting your RN. Plus, if you like nursing most hospitals will pay for you to get your RN.
@samsonitebaggage This. I work for UPS and plenty of people in Louisville work for UPS just for the benefits and the tuition. Lots of people hire on as an Aircraft Utility which is basically a parts runner for us mechanics and they go to school to get their mechanics license while being utility all paid for by UPS. Starting wage is weak but after 5 years Aircraft Utility makes $35/hr and if they upgrade to mechanic they can make $75/hr definitely something to look into

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