I just got a $4,500 performance bonus and a $1,700 raise and it couldn’t have come at a better time


New member
I’m out of cards today so balance transfers. I have 11k in credit cards and one card with $4,400 on it. I’m going to use that bonus money to pay that card off.

October backtracked because over $2,000 of unexpected things came up. Slowly I’m digging myself out of this hole..
@scopes I don't disagree with you that teachers are generally very underpaid, but anyone can be in poverty if they don't watch their expenses. Not saying that's what happened to OP, but they do mention having $11k in credit card debt.
@brendacathleen Regardless of what the students need, your first duty should always be to yourself and your own household. I realize that may not be popular, but you can’t take care of anyone else if you yourself are already drowning in debt
@rosabkug This sickens me that we have teachers who have to worry about making ends meet. I hope you know how much we appreciate your hard work that you give to these students day after day!
@brassmonkeys Honestly teaching should be one if the highest paid jobs, especially for K-12. We trust schools to partner with us to raise our kids and turn them into functioning humans. Some parents don’t (or can’t) raise their kids at all, and the teachers they have at school shape their life entirely. Such a huge impact on society.

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