I just can’t catch a break y’all


New member
I’m just so incredibly frustrated with myself.

My wife and I are trying to do the right thing. We lost my dad to cancer at age 60 and he had a policy that takes care of my mom pretty well.

We are in our 30s, we have a 2 year old, and we’re trying to do the same.

I am a stocky/athletic build. I am a former college football player. I lift heavy weights weekly. I do cardio. I’m in decently good shape, I certainly am not winning Mr. Universe, but that’s not reflected in my “build” our agent spoke to us last night and essentially my build (5’11 265) puts me in a higher risk category. Then I asked If I were to cut weight for a few months he suggested it would only get me a 50% benefit.

On top of that, I’ve been struggling to sleep. When I do sleep, I have vivid dreams of my dad that sort of rattle me to my core. I haven’t told my wife, because she’s on edge about this stuff, but I’ve been experimenting with low dose edibles for the past 2 months and I’ve been getting incredible sleep as a result, with fewer vivid dreams.

Now I find out that my recent and frequent edible use at night will put me in a “smoker” category. I’m not a smoker. I’ve never smoked. I literally just started taking 5mg THC a night and now that’s going to bite me in the ass and I’m so fucking angry with myself.
  1. I don’t want to admit to my wife that I’ve been taking these for the past 2 months. I’d rather have that conversation fresh. I first discovered that I slept better with these last year when she had her friend give me an edible on vacation. I just feel so silly and stupid for doing this in the months leading up to us getting life insurance. Will she be able to see this in the underwriting phase if I report use?
  2. Additionally, if we began the process of finding an agent last night, how soon can I expect to have the “physical” portion of the process? Is it feasible that that could be more than a month away, and that I can get all THC out of my system before then? I’d much rather just not take anything and not have to deal with it vs getting designated as a daily tobacco user for insurance purposes. The agent suggested Banner for my wife, would it be silly for me to try and get covered by a provider who cares less about THC?
@markster7 Your athletic build will not be a problem if it’s notated in the policy to underwriters. What kind of coverage are you looking to get? A lot of options out there with no medical check or blood draw
Yes those amounts of coverage will typically require blood panel. Taking a non smoker rating has triggered expressed underwriting (no blood panel) for a quite a few clients. Have you considered any permanent options there are high net worth options that don’t require medical bc it’s weighted toward premium payment v medical. A few weeks before any blood draw of no edibles and it will be clear in your system
@guacamole Yeah, we are looking to get a $3 million policy for my wife and a $2.5 million for myself. 25 year term.

We are in high income jobs (biotech and a physician), but we also have nearly $400k in loans plus a mortgage. If my wife passed I’d probably have to sell our house and hire help, and if I passed I’d want my wife to be able to have that flexibility to hire help or to pay off loans. So these policies help with that.
@markster7 Carriers will stick to the BMI tables. They don’t care if you lift weights or not. I’ve had this argument with underwriters multiple times over the past 20 years. So not much you can do here.

If you are only using edibles, there’s no reason you should get a Smoker rate. Frequency is what they will look at to either decline or give you a higher rate. For example, clients that use edibles 16 times or less per month don’t get rated any differently with Corebridge, even if you test positive for THC. Which is who I use for edibles. If you smoke it, I usually place my clients with Prudential. So have your agent look for the right carrier to place you in that will give you the best rate class. Smoker rate exponentially increases your cost.
@markster7 I would also look at long term care for your mom so be your dad is not around. Health care always eats away at peoples retirement savings. Have a plan in place to cover that
@guacamole Yeah I agree. Mom has $6million between retirement and life insurance payout invested so she’s at a safe 4% awr.

…She’s also very frustrating to deal with for any and all health issues. She lost her mom at 4, her dad at 21, and now her husband at 58. She doesn’t want to see a doctor for any health screening and in her words if something is going to kill her she just doesn’t want to see it coming.
@markster7 Oh wow. She has lived and experienced a lot at such a young age. She could do a single pay ltc payment and it’s 100% refundable and comes with a death benefit if she never uses the funds, but doesn’t make her sell off her assets to pay for health care. Best part is family can be paid the money if they are the ones helping take care of her
@markster7 You're definitely writable at a reasonable premium with both the build and THC use. Not all carriers are not going to classify edible use as tobacco/smoker but they will add a rating (and some decline) for daily use without a prescription.

You should ask your broker to shop you out. If they have Banner, then they're probably independent and can look at friendly carriers to edibles like ANICO, Protective, Nationwide, Pac Life, and Prudential.
@markster7 Agent here - Find a broker, explain your situation, and let them help point you to a company that rates your situation favorably as possible.

Ask what carriers they write through - should be at least 5-6 (preferably more but 5 that have different appetites really should be sufficient) and then ask who is good for bigger builds and THC.

Prudential is good with bigger builds. They can also give “credits” to help the rate if other factors are good. I believe they will consider something like what you’re doing and you’d be “standard” rate (non tobacco)

Nationwide is similar and probably non tobacco standard as well.

Bottom line, if they don’t ask enough questions up front, or don’t have a few options, probably find another agent.
@markster7 I don't know who you're speaking to about your insurance needs, but perhaps get a new advisor. He has given you incorrect information on your build and smoker rates. Edible MJ use will NOT give you a smoker rate. Be honest on your application about the thc edibles. It usually asks for a period of 'years' of use, so don't lie.

Furthermore, many carriers also have males measured: chest and abdomen. If you're actually more muscular and have a good chest to waist ratio we do take that into consideration as well.

Stop panicking, find an experienced advisor who works with multiple carriers. You are FINE. (Underwriter here)
@markster7 If you get a competent agent with a large producing group with multiple carrier options, his BGA underwriting help can poll different companies build tables to see who might be best given your build problem. On the THC, simply quit taking them for at least a month prior to your medical.
@markster7 Build just needs an explanation. You could also submit measurements and a statement from your doctor about body composition.

MJ makes you a smoker with some companies, most are still non smoker especially since you're eating it. Some companies don't test for it, some do. Some will decline you with that daily use, some will be ok.

All in all, I expect you can find an average non smoker rate, but I would not expect any preferred discounts.

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