I just a hit a milestone, I finally reached a million in my savings


New member
I would like to thank this sub for all the tips and learnings. I know a million is not that much in today’s economy, but it finally feels good to be called a millionaire.
@jquill89 Congrats OP for this milestone!

Regarding the query above, here are some references I can gather on networth comparison.

The latest is from the 2019 data for American median net worth by age and by family structure. Ideal to look at the median rather than the average alone.



Motley Fool

Sa Phlippines though, siempre allergic sa numbers and allergic sa research so walang reliable data easily accessible online. Nearest I can get is the ff. From external sites and news sites.

Worth noting din yung research sa top 1% and 0.1% per country for relatively direct comparison sa 2021 data.


Business World
@twilightmom After reaching this milestone, I would still continue saving and then spend some of that extra cash along the way and investing the other of my monthly income. I am still young and within my 20’s the future is bright.
  • Save as much as you can
    • If you live with your parents or anyone you can depend on, use this time to save, learn and invest as much as you can.
    • be frugal
    • do not spend everything even if they are considered part of your budget.
    • have side hustles if possible.
I am still young and within my 20’s the future is bright.

I wish you all the luck. I wish I was your age again and being very serious with your financial future.

In terms of % of leaps and bounds you are likely to outdo your peers and social circle.

Always remember do not disclose your wealth, interest, dividends and capital gains to anyone or else they will hit you for ayuda until you die.

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