I hit a pole in a gas station and now I have 3.3k in damages (according to Progressive)


New member
I hit a small pole in a gas station and my top right side of my car and I will have to pay my entire $500 deductible. Background, I just got my license in June and this was in the first month of having my car (leased).

I am worried about how much my insurance would go up it's currently at around $200, California. What should I do? Should I just get it repaired myself? I have filed a claim and I'm worried about going through with them. I have no driving history and I'm 22.

Edit: They said I can chose any body shop, should I take that option or ask Progressive to chose?
@saved1970 You already opened a claim up your rates are going up even if they pay nothing. Get fixed through them. Next time get an estimate before opening a claim and make the decision if you want to pay out of pocket or not.
@saved1970 Using an in network shop makes the entire claim process quicker and easier. Progressive also guarantees the repairs, labor rates are pre negotiated and if anything doesn’t go well with the shop progressive has leverage they can pull and work with. If you go outside of the network the claim process will be less streamlined, repairs are not guaranteed with a warranty, and if the shops labor rates are above average in your area you have to pay the difference.

Progressive offers a really unbelievable warranty on the work when you use one of their in network shops. I linked their warranty below for when you use an in network shop.


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