I have a 10k fund emergence where do i save it?

@toesockshoe In your checking account.

You shouldn’t be concerned at all by yield when it comes to your emergency fund. You need to park it in the place you have the fastest permission-less unhindered access to it. Anytime anywhere. It is called ‘emergency’ for a reason.

If you compromise it’s main purpose of saving you in case or trouble just for gaining another 100 or 200fr per annum… well it is no longer an emergency fund anymore.

I guarantee you that when shit hits the fan (and it will certainly happen sooner of later) having access to your funds 1 day or 1 week earlier will be worth all the yield you could have accumulated over many years.

Now if you can get some interest, let it come. But do not compromise.
@toesockshoe Used to keep mine in my Neon account (0.9%)

For now I moved it to Alpian, where I get 1%, because they have a promo where you get 18 months of no account fees and 100 CHF gifted
@toesockshoe Flexible Isa, something like Zopa, build it up and in emergencies withdraw out, put back in when you.can. Over time you can keep building with no stress of long term lock ins.

Best case can move some to stocks and shares when over your minimum emergency requirements. Diversify!

Good luck and having 10k emergency is amazing work. Be proud

Be careful and be bold when you can. 🤘
@alanstranger1 This is not true.

IBKR pro will give you 0% up to 10'000 CHF and 0.864 % for 100'000 CHF. From 10'001 CHF to 99'999 CHF they apply a "blended" interest, calculated proportionally to the amount of capital you have in the account. For 1 CHF above the 10'000 cut, for example, the interest is 0.096%. Consider you have to add the fees for the Pro account.

OP, most of the high savings account with no or limited restrictions will yield 0.8 % to 1.2%, while for anything above that you'll need to lock in the capital.

Personally I suggest Swissquote invest easy packet: no fees, 1% rate from 1 to 50'000 CHF, up to 25'000 CHF/m withdrawal limit. But you can likely find similar deals in other banks/brokers.

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