I got hit by a car… how much will i make?


New member
The following explains an accident, which I (18M) was wholly non-liable for and my current legal situation. I have not received any medical bills or anything, so I write this in hopes that people on this subreddit may be able to give me some sort of approximation as to my take-home pay out from this unfortunate incident.

About two weeks ago, I was riding my motorcycle down the street in Metropolitan Denver when an 88-year-old woman made a negligent left hand turn directly in the path of my motorcycle, resulting in me colliding with her vehicle perpendicularly at about 35 miles an hour. Following the accident, an ambulance rushed me nearby hospital where the doctors diagnosed me with compression fractures in vertebrae T6 T8, a fractured left wrist, and a nearly obliterated right wrist.

At the hospital, the doctors put me to sleep and realigned my right arm. I was discharged about five hours later, and four days later, went to the operating room to have an external fixator and internal plate installed on my right arm. This operation took about 4 1/2 hours, and the doctor said that my broken wrist was the worst he had seen in 10 years.

The time since the accident, I was let go from my job (which was part time as I am still in high school). I still live with my parents, so this isn’t a huge issue. I was uninsured, unlicensed, etc. the attending officer told me that the old lady has a very good insurance policy. I have done my research, and identified Colorado as a non-no pay no play law state, which means my lack of insurance should not prevent me from collecting money. I have also hired personal injury, lawyers, and not the chintzy motherfuckers with billboards and shit. These dudes are legit, and know what they’re doing they charge a standard 35% fee, litigation, or non-litigation.

Do y’all think I’ll have enough for a used McLaren 570 S?

P. S. As both of my fucking wrists are broken, this was written with voice transcription. Please forgive any grammatical inaccuracies.

A couple details I forgot to add-

My bike was a 800$ 700cc pos but was street legal and loud asf

There were many witnesses, it happened during my lunch break (around noon) literally right outside a police station.

I wasn’t speeding and made my best attempt to avoid the collision.
@mwallie Thanks for the helpful input :)

Well the goal is to get a used one (as McLaren depreciation patterns mean they lose MOST of their value in the first five years) and then use it as a promotional vehicle for my detailing business (tax write off). Remaining funds would go into a safe investment IE index fund. Based on my research so far, I could be walking home with upwards of 300k. More than enough imo
@gatodeq Bud I have to agree, you’re being a douche and don’t have your priorities straight.

You were in a heck of an accident. Your LAST concern should be a pay day. This accident could screw you up for the rest of your life, even if every medical treatment is taken care of. You should be grateful that you’re alive, and hopefully you won’t have long lasting disability or chronic pain.

I am going to say this nicely. You were stupid. You were driving without a license and without insurance. You could have destroyed not only your own life, but someone else’s. You could kill someone, and be completely on the hook. Driving is not a game.

Grow up. Rest and medically recover. And if you get any extra money at all consider putting it towards something that will put you in a better position in life, not a dumb car.
@trailerboat To clarify - I have my drivers license and my car is insured- not my motorcycle endorsement or insurance. My doctors have said i’ll make just about a full recovery. Perhaps a super car isn’t the wisest allocation of my funds, yes- and I agree I was stupid- but i’m still curious how much cheddar i could take home.
@gatodeq I dunno man. I haven't done claims in a while, but if you were unlicensed and uninsured. Most insurance companies are going to fight that tooth and nail. It is going to come down to a lot of particular state laws.

You broke two laws by operating a motor vehicle, period. Regardless of policy limit, no insurance company is going to award you pain and suffering regardless of fault because you are both at fault because you both were committing infractions. Generally, when fault is shared, 50/50, then that is what you're getting half your claim, but it really depends on the state and their policy Not having insurance isn't as big of a deal as not having a license.

Believe it or not, there is a world where the guy who hit you could sue YOU. But I tldr your post and dont all the details because it was long and lame.

So it's going to really be up to a judge awarding pain and suffering.
@resjudicata I’m sorry but none of this is true. In CO we won’t allot fault based on lack of DL or insurance. OP, while his choices are very suspect, is entitled to pain and suffering if what he states in his post is accurate.
@resjudicata Correct me if I'm wrong but you're sounding like you're making the claim that OP is at least partially liable/at fault for the accident simply because they were unlicensed and uninsured and could be sued for the other party's damages/injuries for that reason. That is simply not true. While there are some no pay/no play states, that only addresses what OP can recover is driving uninsured. No pay/no play does not have any bearing on the determination of fault or make OP liable for the other person's damages where they wouldn't have been if they were insured.
@resjudicata R/Insurance is full of as much vitriol and spite as I should’ve expected. My lawyer said a lot of the motorcycle accident victims he represents, did not have their license, and usually it isn’t much of an issue.
@gatodeq While you have serious injuries, this ain't the lottery Slick. To walk away with what you're thinking you will, you'd have to get a million dollar settlement. Near zero chance of that. Besides, you've hired "legit" lawyers so they should be answering all this, not some internet randos.

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