I faked my transcript for a student discount what to do??


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Ok so I’m on my mom’s car insurance and she wanted me to send her my transcript so she could send it to the insurance company to verify if my grades qualify for the student discount. In order to get the discount you have to have a B average or a 3.0 gpa and I failed one class which brought my gpa down. I sent her an edited transcript but now I’m panicking because idk what I’m going to do if I get caught and I’m really scared. I didn’t want to tell her about my gpa because she’s really strict and she helps me out financially. I was thinking of calling the insurance company and seeing if I could send them my actual transcript without my mom knowing, or just getting off of my mom’s insurance and getting my own before something bad happens. I will never do this again but the guilt is eating me up and I don’t want my mom to face any consequences because of my stupid mistake because she doesn’t deserve that. PLEASE HELP!!!
@resjudicata I mean all that has to happen is there is a big claim and the adjuster overhears some remark about bad grades and remembers seeing something about a discount... I'd call your agent and just tell him to switch insurance companies. Make up a reason like someone from the company tweeted something bad about israel or palestine (either will do for this purpose). Don't commit rate evasion fraud the next time tho.
@msmeganjan It's tantamount to saying you drive 6k miles a year when you really drive 20k. I don't think it rises to the level of material misrepresentation in either case, but thats above my paygrade.
@resjudicata If you tell a lie in order to get money off your premiums that’s all it takes, altho yes the odds of it getting found are slim. The fraud guy back in our office used to be very cut and dry about rate evasion fraud so I sort of take my cues from that, whether or not that’s really how most companies work. But the real thing that would bother me about it is that if a major claim happens, suddenly the carrier has an incentive to take advantage of something like that if they find it. The consequences of having a liability claim denied are so huge that it boggles my mind that people would lie on the application to save enough for an extra latte. I mean I understand why it happens but it seems insanely risky.
@msmeganjan From my side, (claims escalates to us to decide on iffy situations) I don't think we would have grounds to void. Nor would I morally be OK with it, but let's be utilitarian about it.

Would we be on risk if OP had provided their correct transcript? Yes. K - courts would massacre us if we tried to void on this. What we would do is backdate, remove discount on term effective date and expect OP's mom to take his lunch money.

What if we tried to apply the material change in risk condition? Well, we'd present our whitepaper on how students with poor grades have an outsized number of claims compared to their peers... gtfo of here. There is no difference.

A good grade discount is the equivalent of a marketing discount. That is the reality. If none of it relates to risk we'd be laughed out of court and shredded by the press if we tried to deny a real claim over this.

They have balanced their premiums to account for this discount so it really doesn't matter which policies it is applied to. Think of it like a multi-line, loyalty, club discount. It's all baked in.
@resjudicata In auto, being on the road 3x as much as you claim increases your risk substantially. Close to 3x even.

I know the premium is lattes, but the exposure is not so much.

This is very different than OP's case tho lol.

I responded to MGNute with my take, you might enjoy it.
@jtkyber What’s probably going to happen is nothing . What might happen is you have a claim down the line , they want to verify your transcript . See that you lied and not pay out the claim and cancel the policy . Falsifying information your agent requested is insurance fraud .
@nadine777 This is the only question that matters.

To quote myself:

Would we be on risk if OP had provided their correct transcript? Yes. K - courts would massacre us if we tried to void on this. What we would do is backdate, remove discount on term effective date, and expect OP's mom to take his lunch money.

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